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  • gavinzimmermann

Here there be dragons...

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of recording my first pilot, How exciting!

Finding a good project among the many, many, MANY casting websites is like finding the proverbial needle in a hay stack, but every so often you find something fun, which is exactly what i did with this project, for soon, the Dream Dragon will take flight! I will put the link below for more info but an American fellow is creating a new kids show called Dream Dragon and they needed parts filled, i applied and bam, I got two of them! It was super fun recording the pilot and I of course will keep you all posted when there is more to know, according to the creators they are aiming to have it done by May so until then, I guess we play the waiting game.

On the specifics of my characters i will be voicing Leopold, a grand vizier style character like Zazu, or Jaffar except not so inept or evil. I will say however that like those two mentioned he is still inexplicably British, as all animated royal stewards should be.

My other character is the King of Nightmares, a dark and twisted character, filled with malice and hate for the Dream Dragon and all his friends. Hmm, that made him sound darker than he actually is, it is a kids show after all, so I will be doing more maniacal laughter as opposed to outright murder, in fact, i think murder is actually off the books altogether, maybe they can save that for the inevitable Robot Chicken parody that seems to happen to just about every other well meaning and innocent kids show...

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